Pensei: se começar a pôr dois desenhos, nas respectivas técnicas, vou ter que trabalhar ambas. É para isso que serve o blog. Portanto, para aqueles que me visitam, um pouco mais de paciência.
I just looked at your whole blog, and it was GREAT!
OK, and here's what else I know....if I leave a link to my online gallery, you would delete it, and well you should.
But, here's where I have a small group of my paintings...and it couldn't hurt if more folks saw your wonderful work... My Best Canvas. You can find it through the google stuff.
Well, come or not, what wonderful stuff you have here!
Love your sketches again...the fish sketches are great, as well as the previous ones where you've added seems as though it all comes so effortless for you! ronell
7 comentários:
I just looked at your whole blog, and it was GREAT!
OK, and here's what else I know....if I leave a link to my online gallery, you would delete it, and well you should.
But, here's where I have a small group of my paintings...and it couldn't hurt if more folks saw your wonderful work...
My Best Canvas. You can find it through the google stuff.
Well, come or not, what wonderful stuff you have here!
Estamos à espera que passe...
Eu espero uma década se vc quiser... Passo aqui todos os dias pra admirar, lentamente... até se concretizar.
Diferentes técnicas, a mesma qualidade.
Eu não tenho conseguido desenhar e continuo a usar o arquivo. Além disso sou mais parco. Apenas um por dia.
Love your sketches again...the fish sketches are great, as well as the previous ones where you've added seems as though it all comes so effortless for you!
Sempre bem vindas!
Não me canso de olhar esses desenhos, quase etéreos, tal é a leveza do traço. Ambas as técnicas me agradam, a sensibilidade é a mesma.
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